Orange Chicken?; You Can’t Take That With You; Serving Those in Need; Getting Physical; Is That Coffee Hot?
Everybody’s Doing It— The impossible… Quick serve chains across the nation went in on plant-based meat, making it an option on menus; making our meatless Mondays that much easier. Panda Express is no exception, known for its Orange Chicken, you can now go Beyond the Original Orange Chicken. Grocery Stores Getting Serious— About shopping carts and baskets. Specifically, about making sure they remain on premises. Apparently theft of these items are a big problem for grocery chains across nation, many of which have implemented geo-based security measures to deter theft. Wherever He’s Needed— That’s where you can typically find José Andrés and the World Central Kitchen. Feeding frontline responders to catastrophic events and survivors of disaster. Right now he’s in Ukraine, exactly where you’d expect him to be. Becoming Really Real— Ever heard of MrBeast Burger? It launched as a virtual restaurant in 2020; today it operates in over 1,700 locations nationwide. On Monday MrBeast Burger opened its very first brick and mortar location in the American Dream mall in NJ. Finally—Martha Stewart is naked under her apron.